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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Die neue Rolle der Universitäten in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels

Der Text der dreisprachigen Rede des Rektors zur Eröffnung des akademischen Jahres.


Dossier: Linguistic Research in South Tyrol's Multilingual University

21 February is the International Mother Language Day. In the unique context of South Tyrol, the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is a centre of linguistic research, combining theory with practical applications in a multilingual environment. In this new dossier, we have collected all the articles on linguistic issues published in the magazine and added new articles and interviews with some of our researchers and professors. The dossier aims to show how the position of our territory, crossed by linguistic and cultural borders, is reflected in academic research that addresses contemporary challenges in language preservation, education and intercultural communication.


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Podcast Lab Food

Cambiamenti climatici. Quali sfide per l’agricoltura?

Agricoltura e cambiamento climatico, sfide globali e locali. Ne parliamo con il prof. Damiano Zanote…

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Podcast Sustainability Ecology

Warum ökologische Diversität so wichtig ist

Die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit steht diesmal im Mittelpunkt des Wissenschaftspodcasts der unibz. Zu …

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