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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Design Sustainability Collaboration

Tradition trifft digitale Produktion: Einblicke ins BITZ unibz fablab

Das BITZ fablab ist der perfekte Ort, um die Kreativität mit modernster Technologie zu verbinden. Eine Gruppe von Stilfser Handwerker:innen hat sich heute in einem Workshop davon überzeugt.


Dossier: Designing the future of artificial intelligence

The 23rd conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA) brought together national and international experts at the end of November at the Bolzano City Campus to present the results of their research. unibz, and in particular the Faculty of Engineering, is also involved in this field of research. In this dossier we present some of the people and projects at our University that are helping to shape this digital revolution in various fields: from medicine to the economy, education, culture, language or agriculture.


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Podcast Lab Food

Cambiamenti climatici. Quali sfide per l’agricoltura?

Agricoltura e cambiamento climatico, sfide globali e locali. Ne parliamo con il prof. Damiano Zanote…

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Podcast Sustainability Ecology

Warum ökologische Diversität so wichtig ist

Die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit steht diesmal im Mittelpunkt des Wissenschaftspodcasts der unibz. Zu …

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